Printables you can start selling online right now
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If you are hoping to sell printables as part of your online business you are in great company. Printables are selling fast on Etsy and other storefronts. They’re easy to make and help owners keep track of anything and everything.
Printables by Events
You can niche down your store by choosing a specific event like a wedding or babies or even the holidays. Here are some events and the products you could make.
Weddings, baby showers, bridal showers
Invitations, banners, bridal shower games, place notes, table numbers, welcome signs, Bar menu templates, printable wedding planner, Wedding activity book for kids, seating charts, wedding table games
Back to school
Meet the teacher printable, “first day of” school signs, preschool worksheets, weekly lesson plans, student planners, spelling and grammar activities, number and letter flashcards, printable grade book, school supply labels, scissor skills activities
Gift tags, christmas planner, christmas wall art, winter prints, coloring pages, christmas bucket list, holiday themed clipart, gift certificate, christmas savings tracker, christmas checklists, wine labels, printable christmas carols

Sought after printables
Printable planners are all the rage right now, helping you organize your life with a few pages you can print and reprint as you desire.
Planners can be themed so you can have general ones but also business ones or health planners, self care planners and more. There are even some blog/content planners, but you have to research them well. Maybe that will be your next printable.
These are similar to planners but they are themed. For example you can have a health binder where you put your medical information so it’s accessible when you need it. Another example is a legal binder where you store your legal information (wills, insurance, lawyer’s info, etc.).
Habit trackers are very popular but frankly, there are so many things you can track, the possibilities are endless. Weight trackers, sleep trackers, mood trackers, exercise trackers, finance & budget trackers.
These are needed to plan and organize your life. So they are popular. You just need to be creative in your designs to attract customers. Your month calendars could have a small section in the bottom where the user can write down notes or write down a to do list.
To do lists
That feeling of checking off a task is indescribable. You’ve achieved something! Even if its something small, it’s now off your to do list. Time to celebrate.
Greeting cards
There are so many variations in greeting cards it would be impossible to list them all in this article. You’ve got thank you notes, anniversary cards, get well cards, sympathy cards and much more.
You could choose a specific niche and market around it. Like thank you notes in all their variations.
Just the wedding invitation niche could get you great sales if your designs are trendy and modern.
Birthday invitations, play date invitations, party invitations, unicorn invitations (that one is really cute, it’s on Etsy).
Worksheets for kids, alphabet worksheets, math worksheets, self esteem worksheets, cursive writing workbook, shape tracing worksheet, anger management worksheets, worksheets for adults (self care, ptsd, trauma, etc.), coaching worksheets.
If you are crafty you can create patterns for sale from a lot of crafts. Beading patterns, knitting, crochet, cross stitch, sewing, quilting, leather craft patterns, stuffed toys patterns.
Coloring pages
The possibilities are endless with coloring pages, but you have to be creative. These can be simple designs for small kids or very intricate designs for adults. The adult coloring book niche is a fun one to go into but you need digital drawing skills so you can create your own versions. It’s possible to purchase assets from places like Creative Market or Creative Fabrica but you have to alter them significantly to be able to sell them as your own printables.
Business cards
Editable business card templates are available in Etsy. There are some digital ones as well that look very professional. You can customize them according to industry. Real estate, health care, lawyers, artists.
These are just a few printable ideas. You will make your printables special and unique to you so that you stand out from the competition (Read my article “How To Make Your Printables Stand Out From The Competition ”).
Don’t go crazy and make all types of printables. Stay focused on a niche and a specific category of printable, say planners. With just that as a starting point you can grow with your customer’s feedback.